
Inthisblog,we'lldelveintotherealmofdesktopappdevelopmentusingRuby,exploringvariousGUIframeworksandtoolsthatcanhelpyoubringyour ...,Inthisarticle,wewillembarkonajourneytoexploreRuby'sGUIframeworks,understandtheiruniquefeatures,andevenpeekintosomecodesamplesto ...,wxRuby3isacross-platformGUIlibraryforRuby,basedonthematurewxWidgetsGUItoolkitforC++.Itusesnativewidgetswhereverpossible.,RubyShoes(by...

Creating Desktop Applications with Ruby

In this blog, we'll delve into the realm of desktop app development using Ruby, exploring various GUI frameworks and tools that can help you bring your ...

Exploring Ruby's GUI Frameworks

In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore Ruby's GUI frameworks, understand their unique features, and even peek into some code samples to ...

mcorinowxRuby3: Ruby Cross-Platform GUI extension

wxRuby3 is a cross-platform GUI library for Ruby, based on the mature wxWidgets GUI toolkit for C++. It uses native widgets wherever possible.

What's the besteasiest GUI Library for Ruby? [closed]

Ruby Shoes (by why) is intended to be a really simple GUI framework. I don't know how fully featured it is, though.

Best GUI Framework for Ruby. Not Shoes [closed]

python-3.x .net; ruby-on-rails; sql-server; swift; django; angular; objective-c; excel; pandas; angularjs; regex; typescript; ruby; linux; ajax

Ruby GUI for Desktop App

Hi guys, I am sorry for this stupid question but... Does it still exist an updated library for building Desktop app GUI in Ruby?

Recommend GUI Lib : rruby

To build GUI desktop apps the Ruby way, you would use the Glimmer DSL of each of the libraries you mentioned to write about 1/2 to 1/4 the code needed ...

Category: GUI Frameworks

Ruby/Gtk3 is a Ruby binding of GTK 3.x. It allows Ruby programmers to use the GTK graphics toolkit to make graphical user interfaces for their Ruby scripts.

RubyConf 2022

Ruby is an excellent choice for building desktop apps with a native GUI (Graphical User Interface) that looks familiar on Mac, Windows, ...